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San Salvador, San Salvador, El Salvador

jeudi 17 mai 2012

Reality check

Hello again!

I know it's been a while since the last time we saw each other (to anyone who might be reading me out there) but I figured it's better late than never right?

I have come to you this time with a little idea that has popped into my head. A couple of days ago I made the unfortunate decision to act on an impulse and made a remark to someone who quite frankly does not deserve the attention (I know that now).

I'm a firm believer that we never stop learning in life. Whether it is through experiences, books, classes, interaction with other people, you name it! Call me crazy but I am one of those weird people who think that improving one self and seeking constant learning experiences is a positive thing. However sometimes I forget that not everyone shares my points of view on life.

The "incident" went down a little like this: someone made a public mistake and I called them out on it (I do have to admit it wasn't in a very nice manner but my purpose wasn't to be nice). Anyway I laughed at it and put it behind me without thinking about the ramifications of my actions- it was after all a little bit of well-deserved sarcasm I was putting out there for that person- I guess I don't need to say what happened next, a strange kind of "war" was unleashed between those who thought what I had done was great and those who, for some reason that still escapes me, took it as a personal offense.

I got caught in the middle of it and also got cut out of the conversation and left behind for others to bring me down and basically talk crap about me like I was some kind of "grammar mistakes Nazi".  People who were completely oblivious to the actual situation got involved and it ended with the one person I didn't expect to throw a low blow making comments that were out of place (and none of their business). Goes to show you must always distrust the quiet ones...

My point is I spent some time pondering how the situation got so out of hand. I felt powerless and angry. How did this little thing manage to snowball its way into my mind, leading to believe I had indeed done something wrong?? I'll tell you how! It had happened before to me! It all came pouring down on me. I am not a nice person!

The difference between me and those who made these stupid remarks? I am more upfront about it! I don't go around acting like I'm some sweet, nice little girl who'll stand in the background and keep her opinions to herself. However there is some people out there who act like they are so self-righteous when they are actually hypocrites! I was so mad that I had had someone take away my right to defend myself! People is just ridiculous sometimes. That's the conclusion I came to from this little story.

What I think is important- and actually worth mentioning- about this whole experience is that we can always improve ourselves even when we think we're right. Life has an interesting way of coming back and biting you in the ass when you act on a whim. Boy did I learn that today!

The message I'd like to leave you with tonight is learn how to pick your battles. Want to make an enemy? Tell an idiot he's wrong... (trying to be as nice as possible but I can't help myself). Want to look like an idiot? Fight another idiot... (that's right I called myself an idiot, because I can admit it when I have screwed up). I'll  try to stay out of harm's way from now on and I recommend you all do the same!

See you guys later...

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