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San Salvador, San Salvador, El Salvador

vendredi 22 juin 2012


Una amiga mía me conto una historia tan chistosa que no puedo evitar contarla de nuevo. Lo mejor de todo es que tiene una moraleja interesante al final. Veamos que piensan ustedes.

Habia un pajarito algo dundito que se le paso el tiempo y como no emigro a un lugar mas cálido, se vio atrapado en pleno invierno. Iba el pobre pajarito volando y justo ahi en pleno vuelo se le congelaron las alitas. Con las alitas congeladas ya no pudo volar y cayó en medio de un campo.

Unos minutos despues pasó una vaca a la par del pajarito congelado y pues la vaca se hizo pupú ahi encima del pajarito congelado. La buena noticia fue que como la caca de la vaca estaba caliente eso ayudó a que el pajarito se mantuviera con vida.

Dudo que Esopo escribiera esta historia...

Al poco rato, cuando ya el pajarito estaba calientito y descongelado, paso por el campo un gavilán que al ver al pajarito ahi abajo entre la caca bajó y se lo llevó. La mala noticia fue que se lo llevó para la cena. Y asi murió el pajarito.

¿La moraleja?  
" No todo el que se caga en vos lo hace para mal y no todo el que te saca de la mierda lo hace para bien"  

 Ahi tienen, una historia para reflexionar...

dimanche 17 juin 2012

Candy Theory (Thought-of-the-week)

If you're reading this it means that my catchy phrase worked and I caught your attention (Yay for me!) This week's thought came from a really interesting conversation I had with the very talented brain-picking Daniela Scholz (she actually asked to be mentioned in this post even though I said that one's sources must always remain confidential, but she's a pushy one that girl...I love you Dani!).
You guys may not know this but we have some very deep and interesting conversations (funny as hell too). We were talking about our very strange and failed love lives-don't judge I know you all have horror stories to tell even if right now you're living your fairy tale- and we came up with a very interesting metaphor to describe our current situations (However, I will not reveal who belongs to which situation) and I have named it-very cleverly I must add- the Candy Theory.

She doesn't know about cavities...yet!
So, the Candy Theory basically consists of the idea that people's love lives can be seen as a kid with a big bag of candy. How does that make any sense you ask? Well it's very simple, some kids are luckier than others and some just do dumb things. Point is they all react differently when given a big bag full of candy, however they all wish for one thing: to eat it.

In some cases our love lives may look like a kid that at some point was given a big bag of candy and decided it was a great idea to eat it all at once. The result? A very bad stomachache sets in immediately after, a couple of days later this stupid kid finds himself craving for a candy bar but not having any and in the long run the same kid finds out he's got cavities! Of course filling those cavities is going to take time, money and pain! Stupid kid...

This is a better use for those candy bags...
Kid number two is just a case of bad luck, poor thing really deserves that piece of candy. You know, you've worked hard to get everything in your life to work out the way it's supposed to and then you stop and think why is it that love life just doesn't seem to work out? And then it hits you: Your stupid bag has a big hole at the bottom. How could you not see that? All this time you were throwing your candy in the bag and all the while those candies were falling out through the hole... Stupid bag... Well good thing you found out so you can start patching up that bag! You've worked hard at everything else and this will be no exception! What's great about it? You'll learn to really take care of those candies once you get that bag fixed up...

Now not everything is just victims in this story, there's always that greedy kid you see at every party collecting candy and doing everything in his power to get his way. This kind is dangerous because he will stop at nothing to get what he wants even if it means pushing and hurting all the other kids. Greedy candy-lovers are the worst! Their bags are always full and they always high on sugar. They won't hesitate to take candy from your hands or even cutting a hole at the bottom of your bag... The good news? Those kids grow up to be diabetic and obese... So rest assured, we will all get what we deserve eventually.

This girl had a bra made of candy and not even that worked out? Damn, we're all screwed...

 So my final thought is, no matter what kind of candy eaters we are, it is never too late to decide to change your situation. I encourage you to think long and hard about this crazy idea of ours and consider what you'll do next time...


mercredi 6 juin 2012

Things I've always wanted to say to a man.


If we have anything in common with each other, I'm guessing there are times in your lives when you simply want to say some very mean, nasty things to people around you. Whether it is a crush that won't make his/her move or a lover you're frustrated with or maybe a friend who took it a little too far while throwing a temper tantrum. Sometimes you just gotta get it out of your chest. Well, I have thrown together a few of my favorite phrases that I have sometimes thought of but never really had the guts/chance to say to other people while they are acting like complete idiots...

1. Hey, quick question, did your penis fall off? 'Cause you're kind of acting like a chick right now...

2. I'm sorry you seem to be mistaking me with someone who cares!

3. (I actually got very close to saying this to a girl I used to work with) What in the world ever possessed you to think that out of all haircuts THAT was the one that would look good on you?! (not that she can look good in any hair style)

4. You know, you got one of those faces that just makes me want to smack you, can I?

5. Sure you can stomp all over my heart, what else is it there for anyways? And while you're at it why don't you date my best friend too? Oh wait... (ouch!) (no harm intended to anyone reading this...)

6. I quit!... No, I like my job but you're an ass...

7. (To the really gross men in the street) They're called legs... haven't you ever seen a pair before?

8. I'm not your mother, stop asking me to fix your life...(another one I got incredibly close to blurt out once or twice)

9. I'm actually a really nice person, is just you that I hate...(instead I said "I was just kidding when I called you that")(I called her a whiny bitch)

10. (I decided to put this one on the list because I actually used it once) Well if I'm such a horrible friend, I know a way to fix it! (then, click...)

There you have it! Something random I like to waste my time with... Coming up with mean things to say when the time is right... I hope you liked my catchy phrases and if you ever feel you have the right moment to use them, please go ahead!

Feel free to add some you like in the comment area.

See you later...

mardi 5 juin 2012

Verano, ¿en pantalones?

Hola de nuevo!

Hoy les presento nada mas y nada menos que una nueva obsesión que ha llegado a mi en la banal forma de
pantalones cortos!

Asi es, lo han adivinado (¡aplauso para ustedes!) esta entrada se trata de ropa... y moda... (si esto no le interesa en lo mas mínimo, huya ¡ahora!).

Mientras que en nuestro pulgarcito nos estamos inundando con las lluvias de invierno, el resto del mundo (literalmente) se prepara para darle la bienvenida al verano. Con la llegada de una nueva estación del año, en el mundo de la moda (y el capitalismo y el comercio y el turismo, etc) se preparan como locos para la estación mas caliente del año (espero hayan comprendido mi doble sentido) el verano.

Un look mas relajado y casual.

La moda de verano esta plagada de atuendos minimos y muuuuuuchos trajes de baño. La tendencia este verano es mostrar piel sin olvidar el toque chic. Y si bien hay tendencias para todos los tamaños y gustos, hay una que ha llamado mi atención. Los "lace shorts" son basicamente los pantalones cortos que ya todos conocemos con el toque femenino del encaje. Puede sonar algo extraño pero se ven super lindos. Lo mejor de ellos es que los pueden usar de dia con flats y un top mas sencillo o de noche con zapatos altos y un top mas elegante o atrevido dependiendo de sus gustos.

No me aguanto porque estos lleguen hasta este lado del continente y tener mi par (o dos o tres...) Aunque es posible que no espere mucho y me aventure a hacerlos yo misma. El otro día estaba viendo unos videos de DIY en youtube y encontre un video super útil de como hacer sus propios lace shorts. Pienso que no perderia nada con probarlo... Si ustedes tambien estan enamoradas de esta tendencia y se atreven, les animo a tomar el desafío y ponerse manos a la obra!

Además de unas cuantas imagenes de los shorts, les dejo el link del DIY video si quieren probar... Me cuentan que tal les va!!

Nos vemos pronto!

Haz click aquí para DIY Lace shorts tutorial ♥