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San Salvador, San Salvador, El Salvador

lundi 28 mai 2012

Thought-of-the-week! (plus bonus question)

Hi there! It's me again. This time I'm bringing you... that's right, you guessed it! It's my: thought-of-the-week.

Well this week's thought came to me partially in a dream, part as a post-birthday-revelation and the other part from plain having too much time on my hands...

Actually, this week's thought is also a little bit of a situation for me. I had this dream a couple of nights ago where I was back in high school (sounds like a nightmare I know) and was talking to a really cute guy who apparently was my classmate and crush (of course!). Anyways, in my dream I was struggling with either telling this guy that I liked him or just keeping it to myself. At the end of the dream, like in every good teen movie from the 90's, I gathered courage and told him. The final result? We became something of an item. What's funny about this dream is that when I woke up I couldn't help but remembering how good it felt to be with this guy in my dream, you know what I mean, just the thought of "he's my boyfriend and he's ever so dreamy!" somehow, this lingering feeling brought me back to a conversation I had had with a good friend of mine a couple of weeks ago. She, who happens to be very insightful and sneaky, told me how I should gather courage and do the things I want-need to do for myself. She basically told me to stop being such a little girl and grow a pair! I, of course, laughed it off and put it all behind me as soon as the conversation was over (sorry girl!).

Now I know you're wondering where do these fascinating stories lead us to? My issue this week (as it has been for a few weeks now) is whether or not I should utter a secret I've been keeping. Now, before you all get too excited is not like a state secret or anything of the sort, it's just a little thing that seems to be eating at me and doesn't really allow me to concentrate on anything else. It involves me and one more person who would, should it be revealed, be the only ones affected by it. As fate would have it, if I do tell "the secret" I could lose this person's friendship or I could also gain something that I feel could be so great. There are other things to consider here as well, for instance my pride which is at stake. If I tell and get shut down? I'll feel terrible and so humiliated! So, knowing this information I hereby ask: What should I do? Let go of all fears and just say it? or Should I keep it to myself, as I have for so long now, and wait until I no longer feel like it's going to drive me crazy unless I tell the other person everything I want to say.?

What do you people out there reading this think? I encourage you to comment and tell whether you've been in such a position before and what did you do or if you have any advise to give. I'll be listening...


3 commentaires:

  1. my dearest hungry kitten,
    in France I read a quotation which made and makes sense to me:

    Ne pense pas!
    Ne discutes pas!

    someone -insightful-

  2. Hmm es raro, porque las chicas rara vez están en dicho dilema, en todo caso yo averiguaría por otras personas los sentimientos de esa persona especial por mí. Antes de dar cualquier movimiento, antes de decir algo. Suerte.

  3. haha pues para mi no es tan raro, yo soy de esos seres extraños que suelen pensar y analizar todo... supongo que por eso me pasan estas cosas... It was good advice though, Ne pense pas...
