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San Salvador, San Salvador, El Salvador

jeudi 15 novembre 2012

So awkward...

Alright so the other day I was tweeting about something weird that had just happened to me (don't remember what it is) and I used the hashtag #thatawkwardmoment and I had the very clever and new idea (sarcasm!) to write a post about awkward or embarrasing moments that happen to me whether I brought it up on myself or it was just a weird coincidence. But since I didn't have a list of awkaward moments that I could write off the top of my head I decided to write them down until I had 10 of them to write this post.

I did just fine for a couple of days until I slowly started to forget to write them down and then I realized it wasn't always easy to write them down right when they happened so I would end up forgetting to do so and ended up taking months to come up with the list. Finally I only got 9 awkward moments to share and I'm kinda sick of waiting (or forgetting them) and so I'm ready to post only nine of them lol.

Let's call it the list of nine very awkward moments and That Awkward moment when you only got nine items for your list of ten! (LOL)

So, without further delay, here they are:

1. When your friend's mom gives you a nasty look as to say that YOU are personally responsible for their partying and drinking

2. When you got o the vet and he tells you your dog has ticks and all the other dog owners pull their pets away from yours (I guess that's how moms feel when they find out their kids have lice)

3. When you're IM-ing with someone and you see they're writing so you stop to let them go first but then they stop and no one says anything

4. When someone tells you not to move at all and you feel every muscle in your body is about to spasm

5. When you're left alone at work and with the one guy that is so annoying you feel like you should be getting paid double for working with him

6. When you have to walk to work, and you get there soaked in sweat; but when you walk back home, you don't sweat at all. Fuck.

7. When you're standing in line at the bank and the person in front of you smells like armpit and the one behind you will not shut the fuck up... AND has bad breath.

8. When two people at your workplace are having a very public fight and you're stuck in the middle

9. When you are in a social gathering with new people and you find out "the hard way" that two of them dated for a LONG time and they're still not over it! (plus you had been kind of flirting whit the guy all night)

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