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San Salvador, San Salvador, El Salvador

vendredi 12 novembre 2010

Is self destruction right for you?

According to Wikipedia self-destructive behavior is a widely used phrase that conceptualises certain kinds of destructive acts as belonging to the self. It also has the property that it characterises certain kinds of self-inflicted acts as destructive. The term comes from objective psychology, wherein all apparent self-inflicted harm or abuse toward oneself is treated as a collection of actions, and therefore as a pattern of behaviour. But what determines certain acts or conducts as "destructive behavior"? Sometimes we do things or say words that, to our thinking, are hardly self-destructive. It isn't necessary to go as far as having an eating disorder or to be an alcoholic to say that we are self-destructive. Lately women are put through so much pressure to be "perfect" and by perfect I don't mean looking like a Barbie doll I mean being a career woman, family oriented, healthy, concerned about the latest society issues, politically involved, and so many other things that even though us feminists have been the ones to fight for over the years, it seems as though they weight a little more when put over our shoulders.
All these pressures that we have brought upon ourselves are causing us to stress to the point where we're killing ourselves just so we can prove ourselves important to others. I won't lie, I do sometimes think to myself "Don't even try it, you can't possibly pull that off". And even if the Psychologists say that saying that sort of phrases to yourself on a regular basis is "self-destructive behavior" I say it's quite the opposite. I for one, take pride in knowing my limits. It took me a while to figure out that it is IMPOSSIBLE to please every one. Think about it, telling yourself that you have certain limitations isn't putting yourself down, it is merely an act of acceptance towards yourself. To accept that you are not meant to be Wonder Woman, but a great woman nonetheless, is the ultimate act of love. So I'd like to conclude by making an invitation to all the wonderful women reading this to love yourselves just the way you are.

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