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San Salvador, San Salvador, El Salvador

vendredi 3 septembre 2010

Is it okay to...

I've been wondering for a long time what makes honesty such a hard value to practice and when is it that we cross the line from honesty to just plain rude.
I don't consider myself a self righteous person and even though I try to be as good as I possibly can it's not always easy to know when to speak with the truth and when to tell a "white lie" in order to keep from hurting someone I love.
Granted, there are some truths that hurt. And yes, I have in more than one occasion made a cruel remark about something that even though was very true, did not need to be brought out. (like the time I told my ex that he was going to end up alone because he's an egocentric asshole completely devoid of all emotion and incapable of feeling for others, it's true but it's still not cool)
My point is: Is it okay to be cruel to someone you love or care about just because you're mad at them?
Today I got caught up in an argument and needless to say many words of anger were spoken. I do understand that one must not pay attention to things people say when they're angry, but I must admit at one point that barrier falls and you're left vulnerable and thinking "Am I really a selfish bitch?" "Am I to reconsider my entire way of being?"
I guess I'm making too much out of what was said but still, it hurt.
So I've made a resolution: I will TRY my best not to be cruel to others (even if they do have it coming). Oh and also, I'll get to working on my bitch-y-ness (totally made up that word!)
Leave your comments on the topic and do share your best and worse "cruel truths" and come backs!
Talk to you guys soon.

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