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San Salvador, San Salvador, El Salvador

samedi 12 janvier 2013

I hate you world

Ok so, PMS is a bitch. I've come to the conclusion that PMS is definitely a man, it's annoying, has the habit of showing up when you least need it and well I hate it.

I have been going through a rough couple of days and it seems to me as though precisely these couple of days things have gotten more complicated and it has everything to do with stupid PMS. "what can be so terrible about PMS that girls have to get so annoying about it every single month?" that's the question on every single man's mind.  Well why don't you let me paint you a picture. A bloody, painful and scary picture.

Imagine this: you wake up in the morning completely drained of all energy, three cups of coffee are unable to wake you up, costumers and your boss are more annoying than usual, your clothes that seemed fine a couple days ago don't seem to fit anymore and you just took half an hour to type this stupid paragraph because you kept typing in the wrong letters... I hate you, keyboard.

In all seriousness, PMS truly IS a horrible thing to go through every month especially when it happens to coincide with that one time of year that you realize you're not doing anything that seems useful with your life, you're lonely and you're out of chips... I have a tendency to be very, very dramatic and I don't know if that has anything to do with PMS being particularly harder on me or if it's just other people that don't let it show so much. I get all kinds of things happen to me in the days prior to my period paying its monthly (not so right on time) visit. I get cramps, I break out, I bloat, my gums swell, I get too sensitive and a series of other things that I'm unable to think of for now (for instance loss of memory).

Is there a point to this post? Yes, my point is leave me the heck alone when I'm pissed because I'm probably PMSing, be kind to me if I'm down because I'm probably PMSing, above all things don't be an asshole and please oh please get me some chocolate!!!

Respect your woman, mother, girlfriend, sister, friend or roommate's PMS and stay away for as long as possible. If you're a woman you know what I'm talking about so please, be kind and understanding. Us girls have to stand up for each other and understand each other in our time of need.

That's all for today,